Open the Door

Written by Cheryl Broetje, Co-Founder and President

Dedication drawing for Vista Hermosa Chapel

Years ago, in honor of the opening and dedication event for the new chapel built at Vista Hermosa community, my brother sent a drawing he had sketched. Have you ever felt like the rider in the drawing? Have you ever come to the end of the road, staring at the wall in front of you, tired, in need of a welcoming door that opens to a safe place to rest your soul as well as your body? Even the horse looks forlornly out at the viewer with his last ounce of energy, a slight glimmer of hope for direction.  

We may not know where we are, but with a silent cry we pray that God sees us, hears us, can find us….and so with our last ounce of energy, we repeat with the psalmist, “Oh Lord, come quickly to help me…. make haste to help me”.  (Ps. 69, 70)  

Our friend John came to see us recently. He was here to say that he is starving for communion and two-way friendship. He attributes the added weight he is carrying over the winter as trying to comfort his loneliness with food. He observes a family gather during the weekends with their grown children, who all live in several different houses with their families. They carry in lots of food, and everyone comes. Through their open windows he hears laughter and sees the gathered community around the table.  

So many people are experiencing a time like that right now, feeling lost, alone, afraid, perhaps betrayed, used, but now cast off and forgotten.  

A first step to healing the terrible longing simply begins with a door that opens to a welcoming, safe place in which to rest, to hear one’s own thoughts, break bread together, perhaps share stories…as bread is to the body, so is feeling connected to a community whose mutual sharing of life lifts our spirits.

Now we feel able to go out with at least a few extra crumbs of goodwill to share with other floundering spirits. 

Jesus said, if you will open the door, I will come in and have supper with you. (Rev. 3:20). We mostly remain unaware that it is actually Jesus standing at the gate, asking to come in, wanting to be our friend. We must pray for the eyes to see Him during this Lenten season. But don’t just leave him out there, invite Him in! 

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