Kindergarten Welcomes Paul


Mrs. Romero invited Paul Martinez to come visit with her students. The students were so excited to have their first guest speaker. This was their opportunity to practice the listening and questioning skills they had been learning during their weekly Interpersonal Communications class. Mrs. Romero also desired to facilitate a clear understanding for them that we are all lovingly and uniquely made, and that God has a special purpose for all his children. Paul is a longtime resident of the Vista Hermosa Community as well as a hard-working and devoted staff member who worked for the school until our move to Pasco in 2020. 

The students watched the van pull up to the playground, where they had assembled to anxiously await their guest. They were fascinated as the wheelchair lift lowered Paul and his chair to the ground. Ehywar, who loves cars of all kinds, seemed especially interested in this aspect of their guest’s life. Paul shared that he had been born in Mexico and came to the United States as a little boy. He showed pictures of himself as a child. As Paul told them more about himself and his life, the children listened attentively and asked very sweet questions. A couple of them gently touched his hand and asked why it looked like it did. 

Ehywar asked Paul if he can drive. He answered, “no.” Upon hearing this, little Ehywar said, “yes you can! They have Teslas now that are automatic cars. You can get one and program it to yourself, then you will be able to drive too!” Paul laughed and said, “okay.”

A kindergarten student offering compassion, a practical solution, and hope… the future is bright, indeed!